Chiropractic Care
Available on Thursdays with Liam
I help with a range of health complaints, including:
Lower back pain
By strengthening lower back musclesNeck Pain
By adjustments the joints in the neckHip issues
By adjusting these joints and stabilising the pelvic musclesJaw complaints
Relieving stress and tension around the jaw and neck
You may expect:
More clarity
Deeper relaxation and stress relief
The ability to feel areas of your body with greater awareness
Reduction of stress hormones
I have a special interest in stress-related illnesses, such as:
Rheumatoid arthritis
Hot flashes / hormonal changes
Autoimmune conditions
Private healthcare rebates available.
Neural Organisation Technique
Available on Tuesdays & Saturdays with Julie
Neural Organisation Technique
Sacro Occipital Technique
Applied Kinesiology
Activator Method
Low force evidence-based practice technique is designed to re-organise the primitive reflex systems of the nervous system to create structural stability and cranial balance.
Neural Organisation Technique (NOT) is a comprehensive holistic healthcare system developed by Dr Carl Ferreri. NOT integrates low-force Chiropractic spinal care, Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) concepts, Applied Kinesiology (AK) principles and testing, together with holistic health approaches from Western and Eastern Science in an evidenced-based, contemporary neuroscience framework.
The collective aim of NOT is to restore your Nervous System health to facilitate energy-efficient self-regulation of your key body functions. Ensuring your survival systems of feeding, fight/flight, reproduction and immune health can be engaged as required. Modern life often “pushes” us toward a state of “Sympathetic Dominance” with our fight/flight responses engaged persistently, depleting our ability to regulate sufficient daily energy and digestive health.
NOT is designed to identify neural disorganisation caused by your body’s unresolved adaptation to common stressors such as physical injury, emotional stress and biochemical challenge. The NOT protocols explore your nervous system health through a series of spine health and brain health checks. The spine health/brain health checks review your functional status in relation to the specific situations of injury/challenge, postural distortion/biomechanical instability, as well as the differing neurophysiological events of daytime and nighttime.
Private healthcare rebates available.